5 Golden rules which will make your blog eligible to get Organic Traffic. 

Millions of blogs and website jump in every year, but google consider only few as an eligible to get Organic traffic. Why google or other search engines do so?

I found some factors missing in those websites and blogs who do not generates organic traffic and when they try to get traffic from social media, platforms like Facebook bans their URLs l.

Let's see 5 golden rules you must follow while entering into blogging.

  • Never underestimate keyword research

Don't know why but people never care about keywords they are going to focus while purchasing domain and writing articles. Opening new business and opening new website is totally different.

When you open a new business you can obtain any names you like.  People think they can do same while purchasing domain for website. Here everything goes wrong. You have to decide niche, then you have to do keywords research and then with the help of those keywords you have to decide your domain names.

  1. Help visitors to understand your content.

When we write piece of content and hope people will read it completely. But if content is not interactive and relevant to people’s need they will bounce back to Google page in few seconds. When Google send visitors to your site they record time period that visitor spent on that page URL. When Google robots notice fall in time spent on page they starts to reducing rankings. Vice versa if they notice people are spending more time on web page they bring that page up in rankings. So we need to keep it in mind to present our content properly with points, images, infographics etc and insert links to other relevant posts so people will spend time  one website.

  •  Help Robots to understand your content

Search engines like Google, Bing has robots [crawlers] to access content on linked websites and blogs. We can manage their actions and accessibility with the help of robot.txt file saved in our websites directory. We must understand their working style and format our content in that way. So we must divide our content in Heading 1, Heading 2, heading 3 , body manner.  We also make sure our sitemap is getting updated properly via Google Search Console. When you get successful in doing this google robots will understand your content topic and will refer it to visitors who are searching for those keywords.

  •   Offer Value rather than quantity 

Will you read if I decide to write 2000 words article for no reason? I meant to say why we focus on length of content rather than quality of content. I know there are certain standards about a length of content. Visitor needs full sized information in compact manner so while publishing on any keyword we must analyze top 10 articles ranking on that keywords and forge better article than those ranked content. Belive me if you give fair reasons for ranking you to Google they will rank you definitely. Try to add more update information, infographics etc.

  • Never try to hook or crook Google 

Few people consider themselves clever than Google algorithm. For example many so called SEO expert will offer you to grow Domain Authority from 10 to 50 in just 15 Days. Yes they can do it by just creating few thousand 301 redirects pointing towards your domain  and MOZ Algorithm will raise your domain authority. You will think wow now I will impress google and will get traffic. Sorry to say but people can fool MOZ but not a Google, that domains traffic will remain at lower level and that person will lose his money.


If we avoid doing above mentioned mistakes and cooperate with google to provide more relevant data to visitors we can grow our website traffic organically. Taking short cuts and opting black hat SEO techniques will keep your site in one corner of this huge data network. With hope of your success, I will Say bye. If you are interested in learning proper manner of blogging and SEO you can join Fund king’s Training Program and good news is its free!

Funda king

Author is known as Funda King in SEO market. Rahul Agarwal is passionate blogger and SEO strategist who provide in depth training to beginners for free of cost. Rahul holds years of experience of blogging and generating organic traffic

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About Funda king

Author is known as Funda King in SEO market. Rahul Agarwal is passionate blogger and SEO strategist who provide in depth training to beginners for free of cost. Rahul holds years of experience of blogging and generating organic traffic

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