6 Simple Tips To Take Care Of Your Eyes

The eyes are one of the most sensitive organs of your body and the most neglected too. Imagine a life where you see nothing or even a life where you find it difficult to see. For God's sake! Life from behind glasses is difficult enough to make us take care of these precious organs. 

 Eyes being quite sensitive care require care and pampering. Even a slight issue in your eyes can lead to vision loss. So it is better to keep them healthy and care for them from the get-go than to worry later. If you have any issue with your eyes book an appointment with the best eye specialist in Karachi through Marham.pk.

 Eye Care Tips

 Here is all you need to do to maintain healthy eyes

 Know Your Family History

 Having slight vision issues or irritation in your eyes that you are diseased. In some cases no matter how much you care for your eyes you will face some issues regarding them. This is because you are genetically predisposed to such issues and diseases. 


So, before you start an eye care routine you should know your family history. This will help you in knowing the issues you are likely to have. Now you can take measures to prevent all the genetic issues that can be prevented. This may not prevent the genetic disease from developing at all but can help lower the severity and risks of it. 

 Wear Protective Measure

 Although your eyes have a natural mechanism to protect themselves against any foreign object that enters. This doesn't mean that you don't need to protect your eyes from any possible injury. Sharp objects like needles can instantly injure your time, therefore it is important to wear protective eye gear if you are doing anything that may cause an eye injury. Wearing goggles while playing sports, in a chemicals lab, or even on a dusty road can lessen the chance of a possible eye injury or infection. 

 Wear Sunglasses

 Wear sunglasses not just to make a fashion statement but to protect your eyes from the sun’s curse. Sun exposure can damage your eyes and raise your risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Good quality polaroid sunglasses can block 99% of the harmful UV-A and UV-B radiations. 

 Maintain A Healthy Body Weight

 If you didn't think that your body weight will affect each and every organ of your body, you will now. Excessive body weight can be your one-way ticket to diabetes. Diabetes in some people can lead to diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma. Glaucoma can severely damage your optic nerves and can lead to permanent vision loss. Diabetic retinopathy is the number cause of blindness in America. Avoiding blindness or any eye disease for that matter is reason enough to try to maintain a healthy body weight.

 Eat Well

 Eat well, not just to maintain a healthy weight but to actually retain and improve your eye health. Certain nutrients can improve not only your vision but overall eye health. Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids can do miracles for your eyes. If you spend too much time on your computer and have a dry eye, fish or fish oil can reverse your dry eye. Vitamin E in nuts and legumes can prevent your eyes from age-related damage. Vitamin A and Beta-carotene in carrots play an essential role in healthy vision. 

 Give Them A Rest

 Your eyes constantly work when you are awake. You use your eyes so much that sometimes you even forget to blink. Oftentimes when you are using a computer, you don't blink enough and this can take a toll on your eyes. 

 The best way to give your eyes the rest they deserve is to use the 20-20-20 rule. Work for 20 minutes, then focus on something 20 feet away for about 20 seconds. 

 Wash Your Hands

 This is not a good tip for clean hands and combating coronavirus. It can do much good to your eyes too. You touch all sorts of surfaces with all sorts of germs throughout the day. The moment you touch or rub your eyes with these dirty hands, much of these germs are likely to enter your eye. 


This can cause serious eye infections and allergic reactions. Simply washing your hands as often as you can, will reduce the possibility of these germs entering your eyes. 

 You can have some harsh chemicals on your hands that can enter your eyes too. It is best to wash your hands whenever you want to touch your eyes, rub them, or put your lenses in. 

 See Your Eye Specialist

 Much like your body, your eyes need a regular checkup too. Don't skip your regular eye checkups. Get them checked for eyesight, infection, or any damage. If such issues are not catered to on time, they can lead to serious illness, injury, or even disability. 

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