7 Easy Ways to Stay Fit While Working from Home

7 Easy Ways to Stay Fit While Working from Home

The concept of working from home is not new in our nation but, it has gained great attention in the last few years with the emergence of entrepreneurship and freelancing websites in India. There are many amazing things to be said about working from home. There isn’t any boss looking over your shoulder. You get work flexibility to spend more time with your family and set your own hours.

No doubt working at your ‘home sweet home’ has lots of perks, but, it impacts your health badly. When you work from home, skipping regular meals, workouts, sleep, and even social interaction can easily become second nature. And this is the reason why by the end of the workday there’s little time or energy left for getting active.

Here are 7 Ways to Stay Fit While Working from Home and be productive whole day:

  1. Set Your Goals: It is always a good time to enhance your time management skills, mainly when you are working from home. Start your day by deciding what you need to do and fix the goal for that day. Working from home provides you a lot more flow and lets you think that a little bit deeper. But it also takes a lot more out of you. So block your time in the calendar for breaks also.
  2. Eat Healthy: Make sure while working from home, you do not compromise with your meal. In case, you don’t have time to cook daily, cook large portion meals on the weekend that you can freeze. Then simply defrost and warm for meals during the week. It will save your time and also you do not have to compromise with the health. Also, keep healthy snacks available for when you need an energy boost.
  3. Have a Dedicated Work Space: If you have an extra place, use it as your office. If you do not have a spare room create a space in your home. It might be a corner of your living room or your dining table... anywhere! Avoid taking your lunch in front of the computer, your workspace should be used only for work.
  4. Drink Plenty of Water: Dehydration can lead to a lot of health issues like headaches and fatigue that affect your productivity. Always keep a water bottle at your desk. When you have water readily available, chances are you are more likely to drink it, helping you reach your goals of at least 64 ounces daily. Have water on hand and sip some all throughout your day. Try to avoid sugar-loaded soda and juice.
  5. Take Caffeine in Limit: Getting cups of coffee in small intervals sounds great, but it harms you a lot. Too much caffeine intake can cause anxiety, headaches, digestive issues, and even fatigue. Aim for no more than two cups of coffee per day to jittery feeling and avoid flavored creamers and other high calorie adds.
  6. Schedule a Workout: Whilst you commit yourself that you will exercise daily. But usually, you find excuses to miss it out. Just as you schedule your diary to organize your workload and meetings, get time to exercise. Take physical activity with the same priority as a phone call with a client. Ideally, try to have 30 minutes of workout sessions like yoga, squats, jogging, plank, push-ups, etc. There are many apps that are offering free workouts, you can take benefit from them also.
  7. Plan Active Meetings: Getting out of the house on a regular basis is vital if you work from home. The best way to incorporate exercise into your work is by arranging an active meeting. Instead of sitting down with a coffee, plan a walk. Regular walk boosts your creativity and you feel full of ideas.

Try to Move More

  • Just because you have a desk doesn’t mean you have to sit on it for nine hours straight. Take small breaks and take a small walk.
  • When you take a break, move to different areas and stretch versus sitting in place. Try taking a couple of minutes every hour to stand up and stretch your entire body.

Hopefully, you get some inspiration and knowledge from this article- 7 Easy Ways to Stay Fit While Working from Home. There are various downsides to a freelancing lifestyle. But one can stay active and fit with these easy ways.

How do you keep up yourself active and productive while working from home? Do you struggle to stick to a routine?

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