Benefits of Water testing: All You Need to Know

Water is an essential part of our lives. From our daily consumption to that of the industries, its usage is everywhere. But it is also common for this water to be full of contaminants that can affect our health, be dangerous for irrigation, and cost us losses in production.

And this is where Water testing comes in. Water testing is done to ensure that the water is safe for use and pure from contaminants. The regulatory administrations also require water quality reports for giving out licenses for various purposes.

Important Certifications and Licenses.

If you’re in India, you would need a license from the FSSAI if you’re running a business that needs a quality control check in its water. The companies that would require this certificate can be:

  • The food and beverage industry
  • The pharmaceutical industry
  • Irrigation
  • Industrial water waste management

What are the common water contaminants?

Even if your public water treatment facility is working to keep the contaminants at bay, they may have a possibility of creeping right back in. You need to ask yourself specific questions, such as, are their treatments as effective as you would like them to be, and does the federal standard match your own?

Here’s a list of the most common contaminants:


This element is a natural metalloid that can creep inside water from natural sources and pollutants. It is not only unsafe to drink but also an aversion for many industries. It is also difficult to detect since it is odorless and has no color.


This is a metal that tends to creep inside the water from the old plumbing infrastructure even if your local water treatment system is cleaning it from their end. It is very harmful for human consumption.


There can be high chances that your water contains many dissolved or suspended particles that make it look turbid. These also require a complete assessment of tests even if the water appears transparent.

Hard water

Water is a universal solvent and dissolves almost everything it encounters on its way. It means it is full of minerals and elements, along with calcium and magnesium. This gives the water a hardness that makes it scale on everything it comes across.

Bacteria and Viruses.

Many gastrointestinal diseases in people are because of the higher concentration of bacteria and viruses in the water. It is, therefore, imperative that you get your water tested by a good company.

What are the benefits of getting water tested?

Even if your water comes from filtration plants that promise high quality, you still worry about your water is clean enough for everyday use. Indeed, this is especially true when one hears about the effects the common contaminants have on your health.

Below is a complete detail of all the benefits of water testing.


Perhaps the most important benefit is that you will have peace of mind knowing that the water quality is up to the mark. And if there is an issue, you will be able to address it accordingly.

It will find the most hidden contaminants.

Every water testing company has its own set of standards that they follow. Getting your own water tested will ensure that you get details on how your water is. And what the most hidden contaminants are. Then you can take the necessary actions that will help you deal with the problem.

It will diagnose the health concerns that you may have.

When you suffer from excessive dryness on your skin and hair, it can be because of the type of water you have, and maybe it’s time you get help from a well-reputed water testing company. Additionally, when the results come, you will find out what is causing this particular condition.


Conclusively, water is an essential element that we require in every aspect of our lives. Ranging from drinking to processing of raw materials in the industry, water is crucial. It can get contaminations from various sources. That not only ruin our health but also hinder the functions of industries and irrigation.

Therefore, it is essential to get a water testing done from a reliable source. It will check the water for its quality. If you’re thinking of setting up an industry where the water quality is vital to maintain, you would need to get licenses and certificates to show the administration that your water is fit for use. So get an excellent private water testing service for your needs.

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