In the modern era of digital technology, seldom any everyday life aspects do not require mobile phone applications. From taxi booking to food ordering services, mobile phone apps have become a vital part of the life of a human. That is why, their demand whether it be in business, gaming or education has risen remarkably in recent times. Furthermore, businesses have made the most out of mobile phone apps as their nature is tailor-made for online businesses.
However, the creation of these apps is entirely another topic and that is why we have a myriad of development languages at our disposal. You can find a huge library of JS frameworks if you are looking to create an app like Uber for android. Alternatively, if you are doing the same for iOS then you can find a lot of tutorials and guides for Swift that can help you make these apps. Nevertheless, there are certain languages that developers prefer over the others so let us dig in.
Java is perhaps the most common and famous name in all of the development languages (besides C & its branches). Considering how the majority of android is based on Java, it is widely considered as the best option when it comes to creating mobile phone apps for Android. One of the leading features, and one that makes it a developer favourite, is its object-centric methodology and model. One of the main reasons that Java became the language we know today is because it is very flexible, versatile and mobile compared to other languages.
However, the main thing that makes it great for experts and beginners alike is the fact that it has a huge number of development tools. From a vast framework library to small development plugins and major software, Java is perhaps the most sought-out development language today.
If someone were to mention the development of iOS applications, swift would not have made the conversation about 5 years ago. However, today is an entirely different story than how it was back then. In current times, Swift is the primary development language for Apple’s flagship iPhone apps. Taking over from Objective-C in the past few years, Swift has become one of the favourites for the entire development industry.
Why is that? In the beginning, it was not open-source. That, however, changed quickly as it struggled in the beginning. Since it became open source and available to the development community, it is being used for iOS, macOS, tvOS and pretty much every flagship trademark of Apple.
The official manifesto on states that “Write better android apps faster with Kotlin.” Now that is almost an understatement, considering the vast variety of abilities that this development language possesses. One of the most alluring factors about Kotlin for developers is that it conveys a huge amount of tasks with relatively small amount of code. Another good thing about Kotlin is that the applications developed through it have naturally a higher security level.
Before Swift took over as Apple’s central development language, Apple had relied on objective-c for a better part of 30 years. An object-oriented programming language that first came into existence in 2014, Objective-C quickly became a favourite for both the Apple and developers. The primary and most sough-out factor about it is that it’s object orientation and precision is far better than many programming languages out there, save, maybe Java.
The first thing we should get out of the way is that despite having the same name, Java & JavaScript are very different. Now, React-Native is based on JavaScript, which is a language of high prominence in the development community. Facebook, however, introduced react-Native. Introduced as a JS-based framework, it has become one of the most feasible options in development languages today. Why is that? Because as the name suggests, it makes hybrid applications and their performance is that of the native.
The difference to understand here is that Hybrid apps are designed to cater to both platforms and that is why they can compromise with a performance at times. Native applications, however, are made for specific platforms and perform heaps better than hybrid. That is when React-Native comes in and gives you the best of both worlds.
Angular JS
In today’s age when minimalistic and modern design applications are of the norm, Angular JS is your best friend. One of the main reasons behind that is even though this is more of a framework than a language, it is maintained by Google and its community of experts. That is why it stays updated with the ongoing trends and norms of mobile app creation. Often attributed as the best option to develop single-page applications, Angular JS should be on your list of the top mobile app development languages that you can use in 2020.