Countries Where You Can Process Surrogacy in Your Budget

Surrogate Mother

Surrogacy is the perfect process for couples who are unable to give birth babies on their own. Nowadays, it has become one of the common paths to get baby in childless couples. The childless issues may happen for many reasons including infertility, harmful diseases; genetic problem, etc. although getting baby through surrogacy is a wonderful solution for childless couples as well as intended single people but the process is quite costly and legally restricted worldwide. To get babies through surrogacy, you have to involve in a long month clinical process including medical testing, surrogate arrangement, finding a suitable clinic, contracting with a surrogacy agency, and also financing. Surrogate motherhood costs are different in different countries and it varies on the particular country’s health living expenses, health costs, and government subsidiary policies. Here we are going to describe about the surrogate motherhood costs in different countries and find the cheapest countries for surrogacy where you can process in your budget.  You can learn more about madre surrogata costo in several languages.

Surrogacy Cost in the USA:

In the United States surrogacy process is still not authorized in every state. Thus the surrogacy laws are different in different states in the USA and costs are also varying in the particular states. The average surrogate motherhood costs in the USA with the range between $90,000 to $130,000. Whether you are plan to go through the surrogacy process in the USA you may move to the states where are cheaper in cost.

Surrogacy Cost in Mexico:

The acceptance of surrogacy is increasing in Mexico and the government already has modified surrogacy laws to make the process easier. Comparing other medical expenses in Mexico surrogacy is comparatively cheaper. The average surrogacy cost in Mexico is around $35,000 to $55,000 and it is cheaper whether to choose package service.

Surrogacy Cost in India:

Every year the highest number of surrogacy cases happens in India among Asian areas. Due to several facilities including availability of surrogate mother, egg donor, and cheaper clinical costs the surrogate motherhood costs are quite cheaper in India. The estimated surrogacy costs in India in a range of $15,000 to $20,000 including all the relevant expenses.

Surrogacy Cost in Greece:

Among other European countries, Greece is the cheapest where all the surrogacy services are available. Due to its geographical position and availability of other related components Greece processing surrogacy at a very cheap cost. The approximate surrogate motherhood cost in Greece is around $20,000. The most remarkable advantage in Greece that they welcome people from any country and surrogacy open for everyone in Greece.

Surrogacy Cost in Ukraine:

Ukraine has become one of the global surrogacy villages. Due to the availability of all the surrogacy facilities with reasonable prices people from every corner of the world are coming in Ukraine. The uses of ultra-modern technology, flexible government policies, and laws surrogacy are very easy in Ukraine. The estimated surrogacy cost in Ukraine is $30,000. In recent results, Ukraine has successes in the highest number of surrogacy babies born in the country.


Surrogate motherhood costs are randomly growing worldwide and it is getting difficult to make budgets for surrogacy. We have analyzed and shown the statistics of surrogacy costs in several countries so you can compare and select the most affordable for you. Whenever you choose your surrogate motherhood destinations you have more deep research that might help you with the decision. However, we already have talked about the countries where you can process surrogacy in your budgets that might help you, if you have something your own you can leave your questions or suggestions on the comment option.

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