Suicide rates have been on the rise in the past few years. People may have suicidal thoughts because of personal or professional reasons. But losing a loved one is unparalleled grief that no one should have to experience.
The World Health Organization declared India had the highest suicide rates in 2016. Trimming these numbers is incredibly essential. The best psychiatrists in India are invariably prepared to aid people to come out of this miserable train of thought.
People may usually feel embarrassed about consulting a psychiatrist to conform to society and its beliefs. But no one is grander than an individual’s life. And seeking guidance from the best psychiatrists in India can salvage many lives.
Friends and families must pay close attention to people who may have expressed the desire to live no longer. This is not a cavalier issue and rationalizing the situation and talking to them might shift their attitudes.
There are multiple reasons a person can end their lives. People undergoing an identity crisis, to failures in their work and love lives, all contribute to it. There are student suicides that possibly happen every hour.
It is astonishing to discover how a civilized society places insurmountable pressures on these youthful minds, coaxing them in this direction. Not being able to match their parents’ expectations might likewise affect these young kids, causing them to take their lives.
Peer pressures also contribute to these growing numbers. Feeling the desire to fit in and be cool is cardinal in the lives of students. They feel an absurd need to be like the rest of the herd. Because if they are unlike them, they feel “uncool” and “unwanted.”
Bullies exist in all walks of life. But commonly in educational systems. They can shake the belief system of a person to the core and make them feel unworthy. It strips away their confidence and induces suicidal thoughts.
Traumatic relationships at home or the lack of a parent may also prompt such reactions. Drug abuse is a particularly toxic process that preys at the very cognition of a person. It impairs the way they think and promotes overall depression.
People may abuse drugs to feel ecstatic. But constant and overtime usage create dependability on the drug. Which, when not consumed, provokes the person to take reckless actions. There is a multitude of cases where people have committed suicide in their “high” state.
Folks who are battling mental issues and receive insufficient empathy and care can again react in this way. They are impulse-driven and may have pangs of low self-confidence. Break-ups cease a person from functioning normally because they grow dependent on the other person.
Betrayal or distancing from them generates ample negativity and renders them in a negative direction. It is excessively common for people to get cyber bullied based on their appearance. Social media has proliferated a certain sense of aesthetic, which is the only one that is relevant.
People who are different or a size bigger typically receive criticism and get bullied for it. Youngsters who thrive off social media consider it to be their entire identity. And take lofty actions if they cannot succumb to these expectations.
Sexual abuse is a scarring incident and can stay with a person for life. It may mar their personal relationships and permanently impair their attitudes. People who have suffered this brutality can set out on a suicidal path.
There are 24x7 helplines that an individual can reach out to if they are dealing with suicidal thoughts. People often need someone to just talk to, or hear them out. These trained professionals will not only banish suicidal thoughts but also offer insightful guidance.
Mental health needs normalizing. The freedom of being vocal and more transparent without inviting judgments is an urgency. It will allow the needy to seek help at the right time. Friends and families have to take charge and exhibit more compassion towards people who may feel stuck.
Being a solid support system for these people will shatter the growing suicide numbers. Harboring a more loving protective environment will promote overall happiness. We must take stricter actions against bullies. Initiating a profound consciousness about mental health will fill these pigeonholes.
Schools and colleges must encourage mental health and normalize the culture of expressing to therapists. Ridiculing people who seek help must have severe repercussions.
Normalizing diverse bodies and shapes should become a part of everyday lives. Heightening a person’s self-confidence by reassuring them will be productive. A small compliment can serve a very large purpose.