Top Node.js Development Trends for the Year 2020

nodejs development 2020

The current software development industry is remarkably affected by Node.js. It is a framework that pairs a collection of libraries and tools needed to build improved and quick web applications. In addition to the effective development of web applications, the Node.js platform also assists in creating and protecting the online existence of an organization. This framework has also been proved to be an appropriate choice for businesses that want to get connected with their target audience via digital mediums. 

Node.js is an open-source Javascript runtime environment that allows the development of speedy and dynamic web applications. Javascript frameworks aid developers in implementing the business logic efficiently and employing a component-based development approach. These frameworks also allow developers to use the same code multiple times. These features play an important role in the increasing popularity of Node.js.

Another most important feature of Node.js is it permits the use of the same programming language for both client-side as well as server-side scripting which is one more important reason behind all the popularity and success of this framework. As developers are now adopting full-stack frameworks very rapidly and Node.js is the best suitable to fulfill this requirement, it has reserved a corner for itself across all domains. Above 168k websites are making use of this wonderful framework across the globe at the present date.

Linkedln, Netflix, Walmart, and Uber are a few of the top companies that have already adopted this framework. Node.js has already been proved to be perfect for the development of APIs, chat programs, virtual emulators, collaboration tools, messaging apps, and multiplayer games.

Let us have a look at the top Node.js trends that almost every Node.js Development Company is going to experience in the near future.

Top Node.js Development Trends for the Year 2020 

2020 has already started and we can observe that the development of rapid, scalable, and adaptable apps is the primary demand of 2020. Node.js is filled with hell lot of features having the capability to fulfill this demand. The top Node.js development trends that people are going to experience in 2020 and later can be seen as under

Real-Time Apps

Real-time apps are in trend now and will surely be in trend for a long time. A strong and efficient backend is the primary need of a real-time app. A few of the most suitable examples of real-time apps are instant messaging, video calling, online gaming, etc. Node.js takes full advantage of Websocket and Event API to achieve the two-way communication that is crucial in real-time apps. 

Internet of Things

span style="font-weight: 400;">Node.js allows us to implement microservices, real-time capabilities, and data-centric methods hence it is the best run time environment to execute IoT app programs and very much suitable to develop IoT apps. Quicker and real-time executions are the main benefits of utilizing Node.js in IoT apps. Moreover, it aids the developers in creating expandable and effective apps without holding much memory and with minimal resource requirements on the server-side.


GraphQL is an efficient option for RESTful API. It is powerful in collecting tremendous data from several sources. It allows the programmers to ascertain what kind of information it needs. GraphQL is observed to be spreading year by year. Slowly and steadily, It has gained the attraction of a large number of developers around the world. Hence, we can imagine that it is going to grow at a very rapid rate for sure.


Microservices is an architectural approach that relies on developing an app as a group of tiny services which in turn, is very helpful in managing the code properly. Hence, microservices drafted in Node.js is the best choice for huge projects as it gives a great outcome in the same.

Cloud-Native Apps

Node.js is the best fit for developing cloud applications because of the fact that it minimizes the hardware dependency of solutions to a large extent. In addition, to build cloud-native apps from scratch, it also aids in expanding the already developed cloud apps. As Node.js is a perfect fit for the development of cloud-apps, organizations are looking forward to apply this technology for the same.

Serverless Architecture

One of the most beneficial features of Node.js is that it removes the factors like hardware and server maintenance from performance determining factors. Going serverless means that worrying about the servers working in the application is no more required. This feature of Node.js has already been employed by companies like Netflix, Reuters, Telenor, etc. A few of the advantages of developing serverless solutions include decreased project cost, code reusability, enhanced code quality, and increased flexibility.

Code Reusability

The framework allows developers to use the same code multiple times. This helps in minimizing the logic redundancy to a large extent as the same code can be utilized for multiple applications.

MEAN and MERN Stack

MEAN(MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node.js) and MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) are the open-source development frameworks that are evolving at a very accelerated rate. These frameworks aid developers in building complicated web and mobile apps easily and efficiently. They assist developers in building front-end web apps as well. Netflix, one of the top tech companies, employs the MERN stack to ensure a stable web development process. 

Final Words

The popularity of Node.js is increasing day by day and it is gaining the attention of a large number of developers and organizations across the globe due to the simplicity and productivity it contributes towards the development of web applications. Hence, in 2020, the demand for Node.js Developers can be expected to touch a higher level.

If you also planning to adopt full-stack development to build your app and looking for proficients in the same then we are the perfect point of Contact!

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